1. Introduction

Traditional methods of threads and synchronous I/O have some drawbacks, especially with Python due to global interpreter lock (GIL). This approach is not suited for large number of concurrent connections, known as C10K problem. In addition, threads in Python have both memory and time overheads, especially on multi-core systems due to context switches; see Inside the Python GIL.

There are now many asynchronous frameworks that address these problems, that usually provide event loop mechanism and callbacks. Programming with such framework requires careful retooling of the application logic, similar to using GOTO statements.

Unlike with those frameworks, using asyncoro is very similar to the thread based programming so there is almost no learning curve (as far as asynchronous programming is concerned) - existing thread implementations can be converted to asyncoro almost mechanically (although it cannot be automated). In fact, it is easier to use asyncoro than threads, as locking is not required with asyncoro. While not required to program with asyncoro, Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency offers details on generator functions and coroutines.

For example, a simple client program to send messages using sockets with asyncoro is:

import sys, socket, asyncoro

def client(host, port, n, coro=None):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    # convert 'sock' to asynchronous socket
    sock = asyncoro.AsyncSocket(sock)
    yield sock.connect((host, port))
    data = 'client id: %d' % n
    yield sock.sendall(data)

# run 10 client coroutines
for i in range(10):
    asyncoro.Coro(client, sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]), i)

The pgrogram creates 10 coroutines; each coroutine process converts socket to asynchronous socket with Asynchronous Socket, connects to server and sends a message. In the coroutines, socket I/O operations are called with yield (with connect and sendall here). With these statements, the I/O operation is initiated, the coroutine is suspended and control goes to asyncoro’s scheduler for scheduling other coroutines as well as processing I/O events. When an I/O operation is complete, the scheduler resumes the suspended coroutine with the results of the I/O operation. During the time it takes to complete an I/O operation, the scheduler executes other coroutines, so many requests can be concurrently processed.

Note that the above program is similar to regular Python program, except for using yield and creating processes with Coroutine (instead of threading.Thread). Unlike with other asynchronous frameworks, the I/O event loop in asyncoro is transparent - asyncoro’s scheduler handles I/O events automatically. If coroutine method has coro=None default argument, the coroutine constructor Coroutine will set this coro argument with the Coro instance, which can be used for calling methods in Coroutine class (e.g., yield coro.sleep(2) to suspend execution for 2 seconds).

asyncoro package conists of following modules:

  • asyncoro module provides API for coroutines and asynchronous network programming. It includes following classes:

    • Coroutine to create coroutines, which are counterpart to threads in regular (synchronous) programs. Programming with coroutines is very similar to programming with threads, except for a few differences. Coroutines also support message passing for local or remote coroutines to exchange information.

    • Lock, RLock, Event, Semaphore, Condition primitives provide asynchronous API similar to counterparts in threading module. Blokcing operations in these primitives should be used with yield.

    • Asynchronous Socket should be used to convert regular (synchronous) socket to asynchronous socket, as done in the example above. Blocking operations, such as connect, send, recv etc. should be used with yield.

    • Channel provides broadcasting (one-to-many, subscription based) API for message passing.

  • disasyncoro module extends AsynCoro scheduler and Coroutine, Channel etc. so the API works for remote coroutines, channels etc. In addition, it provides Location used to refer to resource location and RCI (Remote Coroutine Invocation) to execute (predefined) coroutines.

  • discoro module provides Computation to package computation fragments (code) and data to be scheduled for executing at remote server processes with AsynCoro. The client program can then schedule (remote) coroutines to be executed. These coroutines and client can use message passing to exchange data. The remote servers should be started with discoronode.py program.

  • asyncfile module provides Asynchronous File and Asynchronous Pipe for converting files and pipes to asynchronous API. Blocking operations on these should be used with yield, as with sockets.

asyncoro has been tested with Python versions 2.7 and 3.2 under Linux, OS X and Windows. Under Windows asyncoro uses IOCP only if Python for Windows Extensions (pywin32) is installed. pywin32 works with Windows 32-bit and 64-bit.